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新品 4048円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :309456634
中古 :309456634-1
メーカー 【輸入盤DVD】【新品】LANZA/MEMORY 発売日 2025/02/15 03:54 定価 5190円


"Memory in Motion: Percussion in Surround" was a research project developed to examine how percussionists memorize musical actions within ensembles. As part of this research, director Aiyun Huang commissioned new works to compliment selected existing repertoire. Zihua Tan wrote "Sorites" to compliment Iannis Xenakis "Persephassa" and alcides lanza wrote "mnais mnemes" to compliment his own earlier composition "sensor VI." In both cases, the composers were asked to use the identical setup and notational system as that of the existing works. By sharing this common DNA, these unique compositions synergistically flow together to form an unusually powerful listening experience. "Persephassa" is a classic of the percussion repertoire for 6 spatialized percussionists surrounding the audience. This, along with Tans "Sorites" make for extraordinary listening in surround, with the listener placed in the center of the circular ensemble as acoustic sounds often ricochet or spin around the listener. The recording on this Mode release accurately places each percussionist in the soundstage (in the stereo version as well as the surround). Maches "Aera" is also for 6 percussionists. Using tuned gongs, vibraphones, marimbas, tubular bells, and timpani as the main colors in this 20-minute work, Mache directs our ears to hear the inner resonance of these instruments and how the timbres and harmonies mingle and evolve when combinations of instruments shift. Lanzas two works are scored for percussion quartet. "sensor VI" was inspired by the first moon-landing by the Apollo astronauts in 1969. Lanza chose to reference the devices that sensed and transmitted the astronauts life-signs through space to technicians on the ground, and the relation these instruments have to the bodys sense organs. His "mnais mnemes" draws formal and textural inspiration from freely-derived characteristics of the mnais mneme, a unique dragonfly found in China - its very elongated cylindrical body contrasts strongly with its large head and enormous glassy spherical eyes.こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Classical Artists発売日:2021/6/18ディスク枚数:1コメント:"Memory in Motion: Percussion in Surround" was a research project developed to examine how percussionists memorize musical actions within ensembles. As part of this research, director Aiyun Huang commissioned new works to compliment selected existing repertoire. Zihua Tan wrote "Sorites" to compliment Iannis Xenakis "Persephassa" and alcides lanza wrote "mnais mnemes" to compliment his own earlier composition "sensor VI." In both cases, the composers were asked to use the identical setup and notational system as that of the existing works. By sharing this common DNA, these unique compositions synergistically flow together to form an unusually powerful listening experience. "Persephassa" is a classic of the percussion repertoire for 6 spatialized percussionists surrounding the audience. This, along with Tans "Sorites" make for extraordinary listening in surround, with the listener placed in the center of the circular ensemble as acoustic sounds often ricochet or spin around the listener. The recording on this Mode release accurately places each percussionist in the soundstage (in the stereo version as well as the surround). Maches "Aera" is also for 6 percussionists. Using tuned gongs, vibraphones, marimbas, tubular bells, and timpani as the main colors in this 20-minute work, Mache directs our ears to hear the inner resonance of these instruments and how the timbres and harmonies mingle and evolve when combinations of instruments shift. Lanzas two works are scored for percussion quartet. "sensor VI" was inspired by the first moon-landing by the Apollo astronauts in 1969. Lanza chose to reference the devices that sensed and transmitted the astronauts life-signs through space to technicians on the ground, and the relation these instruments have to the bodys sense organs. His "mnais mnemes" draws formal and textural inspiration from freely-derived characteristics of the mnais mneme, a unique dragonfly found in China - its very elongated cylindrical body contrasts strongly with its large head and enormous glassy spherical eyes.




